Reading List

This reading list is quite comprehensive.  

James' top recommended five are :

Massacre at Montsegur: a history of the Albigensian Crusade

The Perfect Heresy: The Revolutionary Life and Death of the Medieval Cathars

Montaillou: village Occitan, 1294-1324    

René Weis 

Here are links to a few of James' publications

Amazon UK

Beyond-Belief  James most recent publication on the history of Christianity.

Wordly Wise Absolute bargain on Amazon for this fascinating study of English word origins

Dictionary of Eupemism and Taboo A light hearted follow up commissioned following the publication of Wordly Wise

Amazon USA

Beyond-Belief  James most recent publication on the history of Christianity.

Wordly Wise Absolutel bargain on Amazon for this fascinating study of English word origins

Dictionary of Eupemism and Taboo A light hearted follow up commissioned following the publication of Wordly Wise

Featured books

A good read

Montaillou: Village Occitan, 1294-1324  by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie 

To add a deeper perspective on the incredible events that will be detailed during these and other Cathar Country Tours we recommend again a unique historical book that offers a first hand account of the Inquisition's work in a small mountain village called Montaillou.  It is such an enjoyable and informative read that we can safely recommend it to anybody who has an interest in European Medieval History. Enjoy. 

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